group of women all races wearing dresses

Phenomenal Woman Phenomenally YOU


Women that have gone through PWPY


Events created to support the Phenomenal Woman


Given back to the community through PWPY

Phenomenal Woman Phenomenally YOU, founded in 2009, an affiliation of PUSH for Family Enrichment, a 501(c)(3) organization, believes that women are extraordinary, exceptional, unique, unusual, and even rare, and yes all have an intricate place in the plan of God. Many women have overcome life’s issues, challenges, and hardships even though satan made them feel they would be overtaken; however, there are still so many women that do not have this testimony.

Where do donations go?

Phenomenal Woman Phenomenal YOU seeks to bring hope to women living in hopelessness. As unique as our Father has created us, each lady comes to us with a special set of needs. We strive to minister to each lady’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through visits at shelters, conferences, one-on-one counseling, forums, and alternative career training programs.

“Phenomenal Woman Phenomenally YOU is the result of a sincere passion I have for women and how they see themselves even in their season of brokenness”

-Marviette Usher

Meet The Founder Marviette Usher

Although I love Information Technology and thoroughly enjoy the time invested in my career, I have a very strong belief & desire to impact the lives of women I come into contact with. My ultimate desire is to see strong and independent women experience an abundantly fulfilled life and unveil any hidden talents, gifts, & abilities. I have been commissioned to equip women by encouraging, motivating, and inspiring them to see themselves as the peculiar, unique, beautifully and wonderfully made creation of their Phenomenal God. I am very elated that I surrendered to my “greater purpose” and the realization that I was made for more and desires to see the same for other women!